
Hullaballoo (H.B.)

There's practically nothing new about New York but its not easy to get bored in this Big Apple. In fact if anyone lives within the vicinity of this beautiful state and can claim to have even one second of boredom, such a person should be arrested with immediate effect.

H.B. In the Street:
These men, what should we do with them? If they're not too intimidated, they are too forward. I can't tell you the number of times I am hit on from my door to the subway to the time I get to my office on one of the streets that was hit by that worrying gas smell on Monday. Especially lately in my "condition" which I might explain later. It makes me just want to ignore everyone even before they do anything but then when you ignore people you never know you might ignore someone who really needs you. It's funny though how people decide to call the radio station and try to propose to us presenters during shows. Yes trust New Yorkers to be so crazy. Can you really blame all who have crossed the 25 landmark and are still single? Really, it's not that profane if you weigh the circumstances. And yes, nosy, I have crossed the dreaded line. I am unashamed to be the big 26.

My husband, who happens to be Kenyan, was quick to come to the defense of the New York crazies until one day we went jogging together and he learnt that they were unashamed to approach me even in his presence. His shock was a funny sight but a look from him was enough to send them all running off like the wind. I say them and make it seem like he chased an army but no they were just two. Since that day, he has shown extreme concern for my Manhattan escapades and is willing to drive through that crazy traffic and circle blocks upon blocks to secure parking, just to get to me if I need him. I might be accused of trying to start a UN Headquarters here, living in NY, being from Mbabane, born of a Sotho mother and Swazi father, married to a member of the fish-loving Luo tribe of Kenya but I must say I nabbed a good one! Talk about years of prayer paying off.

H.B. In the Nation
So George Bush is sending more troops to Iraq. What really goes on in that man's mind, how detatched from the American nation do you have to be, to go ahead with a plan that only 12% of the country supports? He does not make one ounce of sense, and now he's talking about invading Syria and Iran, too! God save America.... Can't wait for this year to be over so we can vote another man in but now with Habeus Corpus out the door we have given the lunatic W the powers of a king and so he just might at the end of the year decide to run for a third term in 2008. I would not be surprised.

Things get crazier by the day.

H.B. At home
So far at home in Mbabane things don't seem to be less hullaballoo, with the burning of the Exams Council building and dogs killing a poor old woman. Where were their owners if they had any, and could they exist and kill a woman without any warning signs?

H.B. In my back yard
I wonder who would believe me if I said I am seven and a half months pregnant and I go to work against doctor's orders? Jim and I decided we didn't want to know the baby's sex before he or she is born which has been so hard because I usually want to peep at the ultrasound and ask questions but the surprise will probably be worth it. My mother says the shape of my tummy is different from when I gave birth to our daughter Ahava who is now 2 and a half. She has decided it's a boy. I can't wait to meet the baby. I decided to work as long as I can before the big L, and then after that stay home and be with the child so there is a method to this particular hullaballoo.


Iwaya said...

okay, no offense intended, but going by your pix, i so totally get why that crazie just had to ask you out, even with your husband around. no offense meant here!

Iwaya said...

Congz on the baby, thought of any names yet? or are we getting ahead of ourselves?

Meleasa said...

Iwaya, thank you, for the visit and for the compliment. Names, that is a blog entry in itself! I will be sure to share soon.